Deciphering AmPhEtAmine | The Diaries of Dr.Gonzo

or How naming convention and it’s rules give up the goods upon introduction - yielding the powerful knowledge of our chemical Universe of Molecular bonds of Atoms

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.. or How naming convention and it’s rules give up the goods upon introduction - yielding the powerful knowledge of our chemical Universe of Molecular bonds of Atoms. By the end of this you will see your Junior High Chemistry teacher in a new light, I promise. First things first There are several sub-classes of chemistry, such inorganic, organic & synthethic. When we talk about organic chemistry we are simply refering to molecules bound around the Carbon (C) atom. Some chemistry nerds refers to Carcbon as the slut of the periodic table - because it will hook up with just about anything ;) Amphetamine & Methamphetamine The compounds actually describe themselves and tell us all kinds of useful levels of details about themselves by simply introducing themselves. Their base form is an oil, typically with a light fishy odor of amine, resulting from Ammonia being present, the Am in AmPhEtAmine, duh! Their solid salts use the base name, Amphetamine & whatever acid it was derived from: Amphetamine sulfate simply means the Acid-Base reaction was performed on a solution of an organic solvent + base form using the acid of whateve it takes it’s last name from, in this case sulfuric acid. Methamphetamine hydrochloride. , from Methamphetamine base + solvent solution reacting w/ hydrochloric acid forming Methamphetamiune Hydrochloride or Methamphetamine HCl by short hand expressop og hydrochloric salt: HCl Commonly used by plumbers, sulphuric acid is easiy obtained Commonly used to clean brick wall or concrete, hydrochloric acid is found @ any Home Depot-ish chainstore around the World! AmPhEtAmine tells us: AmPhEt-Amine Basic structure and atomic ingredients: Am: It is an Ammonia based compound. Ph: …of teh Phenitylamine class; Phenyl-phenetylamine or methylampetamine- Et: Ethyl the ethyl in phenylethyl-amine. Am-Ph-Et -> AmPhEt molecule of the Amine class. or AmPhEt-Amine -> AmPhEtAmine Amine: Does not smell even a little like flowers. Ammonia is the root cause of the rather foul smell in the Amine world. Names convey the author’s and naming-convention background and the associaeted associated chemicals is a methylated Phenylamine That those Phentermine diet pills are just simply “speed” sold under brand name Phentermine. Or Phenyl-amphetamine, a stimulant of the Phenyl Amine class. Bimethyl-amphetamine is just another way to wrtie methyl-methamphetamine, or to describe two methyl rings in the molecular structure. Zooming in on the atomic bpnds of the molecules, revolves around Carbon and thus is classified as Organic compaounds of Organic Chemistry, or “The chemistry of Organisms”, because all organisms we know of revolve around the Atom Carbon and it’a atomically bonds forming molecules formed using it’s ability to form bonds Now you know why we refers to Carbon as the slut of the Periodic Table, that slut will hook up with just about anything!:) Meth is US short-hand, for dex-methamphetamine hydrchloride or d-methamphetamine HCl. Short hand s typicaly to the commonly found form, the dextro enantiomer salt of hydrochloric acid AKA d-methamphetamine HCl. Shorthands are mostly commonly MEANT to refer to some highly specific or well understood and common version of itself with meth that is d-methyl methamphetamine or Ice, which distinctly commonly refers to in it’s enenantopmer spec That Flowers should be the last thing on your minde upon smelling pure product. We have all smeled Ammolnia-based Amine before: same class of compounds causes DEAD FISH to smell: that is the smell of organisms breaking down by way of ammonia. Hence Amphetamines should smell of Amine, which we just covered is nothing like flowers and thus: Flower is nott the smell of quality speed, but of synthesis fuck-up (incompetence)! That smell gives us a clue as to what the cook fucked up dUring sythesi, SPECIFICALLY WHEN USING impure APAAN DERIVED P2P dl-amphetamine sulfate salts - clandestine cooks do not quality control, commonly made illiticly as DL-AmPhEt-Amine Sulfate, notoriously cut and impure. In this shit hole nation 95% of speed comes from a slloppy APAAN->P2P->Leuckart process (typically they skip distillation, and this reaction yields very impure product. And that ADHD medicine is simply pharmaceutically juiced up & improved street Speed in controlled dosages/purity! Purer & more potent: Rendering Us Omnipotent! We came and we saw, we felt: It felt seedy! Then, all needy, we asked: How can we make it more speedy!:) ..although in literature the names without their qualified salt form specifically refers to base form (meth)amphetamine oil that smells exacyly like what you would expect a methylated amine should: decaying fish, after all that smell you are thinking of now, it arises in fish from other amines. (Meth)Amphetamine metabolizes into phenyl acetone .. TRY ASKING YOUR DOCTOR SPEED AND SEE HOW TT GOES! If you ever want ANYTHNG from your Dr. they need to think they came up with the idea, then they will be all in on it!:) AMPHETAMINE Formula: C9H13N IUPAC ID: 1-phenylpropan-2-amine Amphetamine is a central nervous system stimulant that is used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, narcolepsy, and obesity. Amphetamine was discovered as a chemical in 1887 by Lazăr Edeleanu, and then as a drug in the late 1920s. Wikipedia METHAMPHETAMINE Formula: C₁₀H₁₅N IUPAC ID: (2S)-N-methyl-1-phenylpropan-2-amine (CNS) Methamphetamine is a potent central nervous system stimulant that is mainly used as a recreational drug and less commonly as a second-line treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and obesity. Phenyl-Aceton AKA P2P is the short cut to any number of 100’s of psychoactive drug compounds and thus strictly controllled: The Pharmaceutical Companies will want to keep you and everyone else out because that would afffect their bottom line + ability to simply LIE about clinical tril result data by exposing trial results derivated from say…you! Phenyl-Phenetylamine - Phentermine - Phentermine or Amphetamines as a group. the world’s most famous diet pill as seen by organic chemistry, a group derived from the phenylated Amines, called Phenylamines. Methamphetamine - Bimethyl Amphetamine - Desoxyn also the worlds most dangerous drug? Desoxyn is simply crystal meth in ADHD medicine. Adderall, Vyvanse Dexedrine Yet somehow safe & effective ADHD medicine? Even if i told you it was pharmaceutically improved Speed? Dexedrine (dex-amphetamine) and Methedrine (dex-methamphetamine) has 1 difference: Dexedrine has 1 methyl ring Methedrine has two methyl rings Smells fishy to me!:) A speed freak’s survival guide as seen from an organic chemistrty POV. In English for a variety og reasons; Most information avis ailable in Englsh Chemical reactions just make more senzs using thir English names Published information is often published first in English Any academiuc undertaking is likely to involve collaboration, in English. Maybe you are just curious about some compound. Would be nice if the core basics illuminated subjects the of an advanced psychonaut w/o advanced multiple science degrees, which it does not; I was HIGH learning ALL of it!:) The leg up for non-chemists who just likes to get high. Needing advanced chemical degree kind of takes the fun out of getting high: and it does not! In chemistry, there are rules to aid eventhe most highly traind professional. Nobody can knw everything, but everything could have naming conventions that revals useful levels of detail to even the casual user & observer. Illicit Racemic dl-amphetamine sulfate: ALL racemic compounds arewhite or whit4e-ish powders: they are 50/50 mixes of dextro and levo- mirror images of eachother called enantiomwea, the d+l enantionmer makes there stereoisomer methamphetamine and amphetamine. White powders means stereisomeror stereocenter Amphetamine-HCl and Methamphetamien-HCl both can come looking like big crystyals, it is a function of the salt type, but unkess the molecule is all the same eneantiomer it cannot build structures and will yield a powder. The yellow tint and flower smeløl are both inherited from APAAN as impurities ebcause reagent was notchemically pure before being used in the starting refaction journey from there to here! Which brings us to stereisomers and stereocenters: Stereoisomers have two atomic bpnds pr enantiomer, or consituent parts: Dextro & Levo. d-methamphetamine. Dex.amphetamines being the most psychoactive. stereocenters have 3 or more, Reffered to as Sin (left) & Rectus (right), which is common to see in Ketamine; S-ketamine beiung the most psychoactive. The crystal structure below means youare looking at a salt obtained reacting hydrochlorid acid with base form dex-methamhetamine (an oil with fishy smell, ammonia, duh) rendering dex-methamphetamine hydrochloride or d-methamhetamine HCl Ideally achived by stereoisomer-selective reduction of Methylamine (called reductive Animation) using phenyl acetone, AKA P2P, which is shorthand for phenyl-2-propanone, yielding to dex-methylamine which we can react with an acid of hydrochloride salt, hydrochloric acid ,starting the Acid-Base reaction to yield dex-methamphetamine hydrochloride or d-methamphetamine HCl. This end point can be achieved by ephedrine and psuedo ephedrine reduction using stereisomer-selective reduction via Lithium-aluminium reaction. Commonly found in North America, Asia and central Europe, but this lead to Ephedrine geting banned, while having legitimate usage OTC and how Pseudo Ephedrin4e started shoeing up, and somehow also becoming the bitch of every meth cook there as you can get it OTC @ any pharmacy Kripos said 2022 yielded 3.2KG d-methampåhetamine HCl i n seizures, with a purity of 96-99%! In contrast they do not mention weight but go to Average purity for the year in a bid to scale up sentences baseed on less product by treating the cutting agent as produc,t that 2022 yielded an average of 30% dl-amphetamine moistly as dl-amphetamine sulfate, the salt of sulfur, yielded by reacting dl-amphetamine wit sulfutric acid. Whenever we talk about these without qualifying their parts in chemistry we refer to it’s non-salt base form and state: dl-amphetamine = amphetamine. Common use typiucally refers to whatever dominates. In Europe that is amphetamine sulfate and amphetamine in commmon use thus refers to this particuløar form, while in chemistry it refer to dl-amphetamine. In usa d-methamphetamine HCl is the norm and methamphetamine refers to d-methamphetamine HCl in common use, but in chemistry dl-methamphetamine base form, still a an oil, still a stereoisomer. Confused yet? That is part of their plan and they will make you think you are dumb by hammering you with this idea to obfuscate trying to control the ACTUAL information - WHAT COULD YOU POSSIBLY NEED THE REAL & ACTUAL INFORMATION FOR, EH? THe answer to that is “To live in reality, not Disneyland” which is your right and need as info...