Nexpress (expired) Subutrex 8mg Buprenorphine tablets | The Diaries of Dr.Gonzo

Beware! This artucle is about a highly refined, ultra potennt, euphoric and habitforming drug Buprenorpbine which may lead to addiiction, dependcy and even death if misused or played with! It is so potent even hardened heroin users will tel...

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First Seen: 05/07/2024

Last Indexed: 10/25/2024

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- Beware! This artucle is about a highly refined, ultra potennt, euphoric and habitforming drug Buprenorpbine which may lead to addiiction, dependcy and even death if misused or played with! It is so potent even hardened heroin users will tell you this is some good stuff! The source Nexpress is a quality vendor of assorted cannbais products, amonst other things I’ve mentioned before, so I’ll get right to the warez: Subutex 8mg Buprenorphine sublingual tablets. I have been severely stoned and impaired throughout the writing of this. Major parts might not make sense or even be missing, who knows? The Goods Subutex 8mg Buprenorphine sublingual tablets. Notice that this product has passed it’s expiration date. This is a fully synthetic product so despite expiring last year it’s still good use if unopened. Buprenorphine is syntehtic opioid many people have incomplete or wrong informatoin about, so at the very least consult the Tripsit Drug Interaction Chart before mixing with other drugs: ..But much like Bayer introdoced Heroin for Morphine addiction and marketted it as so safe they put it their first OTC heroin product: Cough Sirup for children with heroin: Most of you wil know Bayer as the inventor of Aspirin, and actually aspirin uses the same molecular form of it’s molecule heroin does to be most effekcive. Aspirin was not really their invention as they too the active ingredient from some plant ancent humans chewed to relieve pain. SO their main product essentially is just a wepaonized form of millenina old known pain relirever No wonder they managed to market a molecule of weapnized morphine molecules as safe for chidlren and a treatment for morphine addiction. This is what Purdue Pharma did to the opiate Oxycodone turning it into the semi-synthetic molecule oxycontin which is just oxycodone chemically bound in a way that results in a concenntration of oxycodone our bloodstream by some reliable timing, mechanism to dose it out slowly over time, claiming and being supported by the New England Journal of Medicine, that their oxycodone ins time release form is not addictive. Well, we all know how that worked out. Why is this important? Becuase Subutex is sold as many things amongst other things a treament for opioid or opiate addiction, but Buprenorphine is asynthetic opioid much more powerful than morphine or heroin and 8mg is a powerful dose aimed at users wwith high tolerance for use under the tongue in attempt to get them off the needle and street mix dubbed heroin. Heroin is white, i used to be white and there is a long fascinating, but complciated history here, however it’ s important to note that heroin was all over Europe in it’s pure white form and France was esentially ground zero. It was not until the poor quality brown heroin showed up the fist well known heroin overdose with deadly consequences happened, also in France. The behind the scnenes on-goings of heroin s a crazy story to loong to tell here, but it is staggering once you connect the dots and comprehend how it has afffected every huma on the planet in many, many ways. I snicker every time people talk about “good” brown heroin as brown heroin is literally the crappy unrefined versino of the diamorphine molecule taht is white and use to be white back when it was made in labs and not some tent outside a mud hut . You can make heroin in your kitchen using legally obtained seeds or legally grown opium poppy by reacting morphine, the main compound foind in the opium latex harvested from said articles, which is a crime when at the point of harvesting it, reacting it with 1 chemical reaction dissolved in a medium! Shit you could get heroin hydrochloride tablets OTC for a whileand like I mentioned before Bayer’s Heroin made it’s OTC debut in chilrends cough medicine: “China white” should really be “French White” and was the only heroin around until hard efforts to crack down on the maifa families, the Corsican mob in particular, and so the clandestine makeshit heroin labs stepped upped making a brown, cotaminated heroin of various qualityand flooding the market with it. And the first media covered heroin overdose in the west was in France on this new brown stuff. Interesting story involving the English state US govt, several wars in china fghanistan and chemical warfor Iran by proxy which the brits were iactive i untli 1997. Maybe i will wrote own the story sometime in a digestable way - it’s just so nuts, CIA, nation states, wars, the mafia, the whole shebang. Sets a few things in perspective and positions those in the know in a position to fire back against the peer presure and propaganda on endless repeat with the mindless drones. Too bad it requires a larger attention span than 5 lines or 10 seconds or we could have covered it here, maybe I will do an article on it some time. Of course Cough medicine back then had lots of fun ingredients: Just what is Subutex? Subutex is the brand name for a tabletl consisiting of various binders and helpers along with 8mg of Buprenorphine in a pillformat meant to melt under your tongue, or sublingual use. The important thing is that it’s a pill that melts udner hte ongue and contaings several substances with 8mg Buprenorphine mixed in. So the really important thing to knnow is what Buprenorphine is but, for the casual opiate use or the opiate naive 8mg is a very powerful dose so splitting the pill into 4 pieces is an important safety precaution. Be very careful mixing this drug with benzos, alcohol any downers at all, and especiallly GHB. It could kill you. Uppers on the other hand .. :) Get a pill splitter from your local pharmacy and split your pill into 2 halves, then split each of those halves into two halves. Why 4 pieces? Because since the pill is designed to dissolve and melt under your tongue, snorting it is a common RoA and crushing 1/4th makes 4 bumps roughly 0.5mg API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient: Buprenorphine) in each a litt e off in either direction won’t kill you, but should be plenty to send 1-2 opiate naive nodding and one occasional user nodding. It also is a nice dosage for seeing how you react with one bump in one nostril and if the reaction is enough you can chill or pass the plate to a bud or bud_ette for a bump. If it leaves you wanting more then have another bump in your other nostril. 0.5mg [of API] bumps is rouhgly speaking a Temgensic. So, now that we kow that Subutex is the Brand Name for a Pill for sublingual use (melts under the tongue) containing various substances and 8mg Buprenophine we need to under what Buprenophine is. So, just what is Buprenorphine? Buprenophine is a very powerful, euphoric synthetic opiod with a mryiad of applications and tons of misleadingly incomplete information floating around; I was showing someone the problem of misleadingly partial information and the dangers that lurk as a consequence and perhaps best illustration was showing what google voluntairs as information in the space above and to the right of search result as seen by a user decides is norwegian vs one it deems of the english speaking persuation: Norwegian Legemiddel Buprenorfin er et syntetisk opioid som blant annet benyttes i legemiddelassistert rehabilitering av opiatavhengige. Buprenorfin er mest kjent under preparatnavnene Suboxone, Subutex, Temgesic og Norspan. Wikipedia English SUBUTEX is used to help patients overcome this medical condition. SUBUTEX tablets contain the active ingredient buprenorphine hydrochloride. It acts as a substitute for opioids like heroin, morphine, oxycodone or codeine and it helps withdrawal from opioids over a period of time. Buprenorphine Brand name: Subutex Narcotic It can treat pain as well as addiction to narcotic pain relievers. Controlled substance High risk for addiction and dependence. Can cause respiratory distress and death when taken in high doses or when combined with other substances, especially alcohol. It’s almost as Google knows most norwegians have the attentspan of twitter post and anyone looking up this is some kind of degenerate drug user :) 0.5mg increments is a relatively safe and resonsible way of consuming a powerful opioid misleading inomplete information is served entire poulations to belive one thing about the sbstance while others are served a much more comprehensive, complete and detailed information as this google example I showed somene to try to demonstrate how ill informed Norwegian person looking this up comapred to english speaking googlers (this is not the same as clicking their link to get results in english): Other than just, rouhgly, being a more potent synthethic version of heroin, the astatue reader wil have picket up on the fact that: Buprenophine is soluable 17mg pr 1ml water. That’s the API content of over 2 subutex pills! OTOH, seeing how reckless and clueless some people apporach the use of this powerfull highly addictivce, dangerous & euphoric synthetic opioid intended for use by heavy opioid dependant users who inject their drug habitually. Norwegian lacks a single word to describe depedency and it’s difference from addiction and as with many things lumps it in under whatever word that somewhat is in the vacinity, circa, so addiction / addicted is an umbrealla for depedant/dependency and addicted/addiction. This is one of many simplify cations that joe blow simpleton makes which causes lots if problems and misunderstanding that leds to much of the complcitions we see around the topic. These two things are very different things that simply manifests very similarly to the ouside world and thus gets lumped in under one word based ont that incredibly superficial observation. But this property of soluability makes it perfect for many other RoA: Nasalspeay, sublingual drops, and more! Thus, I’ve decided to no incldue how isolate the Buprnophone from the pillls, but remade my favorite Ros without that step, yet they are still pretty powerful. By now i shouldn’t have to state the obvious, but I will: This does not mean 2 pills fully dissolve in 17ml of water due to the binding and helping agents. Bumping. Split a pill intohalves using a pill splitter from the pharmacy. Splt each half into 2 more halves. Crush 1 quarter pill on a plate and chop it up into 4 piles or bumps. Eah bump willhae roughly 0.5mg, as it is designed to melt in saliva in your mouth under your tongue it will dissolve nicely in the nose.. Start with 1 or one in each and lay back and chiill saving or sharing the other bumps. Nasalspray. This one is made by dissolving 1-2pcs (depending on your tolerance) crushed 8mg tablets in 8ml destilled water and fthen filtering it through a glassfibre or cotton filter and a syringe. The filtered liquid is then mixed with 2ml Otrivin menthol for taste, stealth and freeloading on it’s ability to open the nose up while thickening the mix a little. Shake before each use! Spray at 45degree angle to hit the targ