Alps |

Alps is a webmail client, a program that allows you to access your email online like Gmail. It is useful to be able to access you email from a web browser because it allows you to easily access your email from any device with a web browser ...

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First Seen: 04/26/2024

Last Indexed: 10/23/2024

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Onion Content

Alps is a webmail client, a program that allows you to access your email online like Gmail. It is useful to be able to access you email from a web browser because it allows you to easily access your email from any device with a web browser without much additional setup. Instructions There is no Debian package so we are going to build it from source. You need to have a newer Go compiler installed than what is in the Debian repos. You can follow the instructions here to install Go. Then, we can clone and build alps. git clone /opt/alps cd /opt/alps go build ./cmd/alps mv alps /usr/local/bin/alps Now, we are going to create a login key with this command. go run Now, we need to create a systemd service to auto start it on boot. [Unit] Description = Alps Webmail After = Wants = [Service] Restart = always Type = simple ExecStart = /usr/local/bin/alps -theme alps -addr -login-key yourloginkey imaps:// smtps:// WorkingDirectory = /opt/alps Environment = "GOPATH=/opt/alps/.gopath" Environment = "GOCACHE=/opt/alps/.gocache" [Install] WantedBy = Put that in /etc/systemd/system/alps.service and fill in your login key and your mail domain. Now, reload and start Alps. systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable --now alps You will need to have already set up nginx. Add this to a file in /etc/nginx/sites-available/alps.conf . server { listen 80 ; server_name ; location / { proxy_pass http://localhost:1323 ; } Now, link it to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/alps.conf with this command. ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/alps.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/alps.conf Now, run certbot and select your new domain to setup ssl on it. Finally, you can access your web mail at and log in with your email and password. Contribution XMR: 86MMzQFTWgWHdLmJgdUSyKYKitVtgw3Dbfe2hTFeZmSC92FUE7wFcEF5AA4ugqyge4hGdL8PwvZKB49fsGLbUtYdGmNgNU9