Prevođenje OpenCL C koda u asemblerski kod arhitektura AMD GCN i RDNA - GASERI

Prevođenje OpenCL C koda u asemblerski kod arhitektura AMD GCN i RDNA - Arhitekture i procesori - Korištenjem već ranije spomenutog LLVM-ovog alata llc možemo saznati koje su podržane ciljne arhitekture. Uočimo da u popisu registriranih cil...

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Preskoči na sadržaj Prevođenje OpenCL C koda u asemblerski kod arhitektura AMD GCN i RDNA Arhitekture i procesori Korištenjem već ranije spomenutog LLVM-ovog alata llc možemo saznati koje su podržane ciljne arhitekture. $ llc --version LLVM ( ) : LLVM version 11 .0.0 Optimized build. Default target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu Host CPU: core2 Registered Targets: aarch64 - AArch64 ( little endian ) aarch64_32 - AArch64 ( little endian ILP32 ) aarch64_be - AArch64 ( big endian ) amdgcn - AMD GCN GPUs arm - ARM arm64 - ARM64 ( little endian ) arm64_32 - ARM64 ( little endian ILP32 ) armeb - ARM ( big endian ) avr - Atmel AVR Microcontroller bpf - BPF ( host endian ) bpfeb - BPF ( big endian ) bpfel - BPF ( little endian ) hexagon - Hexagon lanai - Lanai mips - MIPS ( 32 -bit big endian ) mips64 - MIPS ( 64 -bit big endian ) mips64el - MIPS ( 64 -bit little endian ) mipsel - MIPS ( 32 -bit little endian ) msp430 - MSP430 [ experimental ] nvptx - NVIDIA PTX 32 -bit nvptx64 - NVIDIA PTX 64 -bit ppc32 - PowerPC 32 ppc64 - PowerPC 64 ppc64le - PowerPC 64 LE r600 - AMD GPUs HD2XXX-HD6XXX riscv32 - 32 -bit RISC-V riscv64 - 64 -bit RISC-V sparc - Sparc sparcel - Sparc LE sparcv9 - Sparc V9 systemz - SystemZ thumb - Thumb thumbeb - Thumb ( big endian ) wasm32 - WebAssembly 32 -bit wasm64 - WebAssembly 64 -bit x86 - 32 -bit X86: Pentium-Pro and above x86-64 - 64 -bit X86: EM64T and AMD64 xcore - XCore Uočimo da u popisu registriranih ciljnih arhitektura u koje LLVM može prevesti kod postoji amdgcn , odnosno AMD-ovi grafički procesori temeljeni na arhitekturi Graphics Core Next (GCN). Kako su instrukcije AMD-ove arhitekture Radeon DNA (RDNA) vrlo slične instrukcijama arhitekture GCN, isti pozadinski dio program prevoditelja koristi se i za RDNA, iako naziv sugerira drugačije. Vrijedi spomenuti da je slična situacija kod starijih grafičkih procesora pa r600 osim Radeona R600 (marketinški serije HD 2000 i HD 3000) podržava i R700 (serija HD 4000), Evergreen (serija HD 5000) i Northern Islands (serija HD 6000). Generacije arhitekture GCN su redom: GCN1 (GFX6): Southern Islands (serije HD 7000 i HD 8000; PlayStation 4, Xbox One) GCN2 (GFX7): Sea Islands (serije R5/R7/R9 200 i R5/R7/R9 300) GCN3 (GFX8): Volcanic Islands (R9 285, R9 380, R9 Fury) GCN4 (GFX8): Arctic Islands (serije RX 400, RX 500, RX 600; PlayStation 4 Pro, Xbox One X) GCN5 (GFX9): Vega (serija RX Vega i VII) Generacije arhitekture RDNA su redom: RDNA1 (GFX10): Navi (serija RX 5000) RDNA2 (GFX11): Big Navi (serija RX 6000; PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X i S) Popis podržanih procesora i značajki možemo također dobiti korištenjem naredbe llc. $ llc -march = amdgcn -mattr = help Available CPUs for this target: bonaire - Select the bonaire processor. carrizo - Select the carrizo processor. fiji - Select the fiji processor. generic - Select the generic processor. generic-hsa - Select the generic-hsa processor. gfx1010 - Select the gfx1010 processor. gfx1011 - Select the gfx1011 processor. gfx1012 - Select the gfx1012 processor. gfx1030 - Select the gfx1030 processor. gfx600 - Select the gfx600 processor. gfx601 - Select the gfx601 processor. gfx700 - Select the gfx700 processor. gfx701 - Select the gfx701 processor. gfx702 - Select the gfx702 processor. gfx703 - Select the gfx703 processor. gfx704 - Select the gfx704 processor. gfx801 - Select the gfx801 processor. gfx802 - Select the gfx802 processor. gfx803 - Select the gfx803 processor. gfx810 - Select the gfx810 processor. gfx900 - Select the gfx900 processor. gfx902 - Select the gfx902 processor. gfx904 - Select the gfx904 processor. gfx906 - Select the gfx906 processor. gfx908 - Select the gfx908 processor. gfx909 - Select the gfx909 processor. hainan - Select the hainan processor. hawaii - Select the hawaii processor. iceland - Select the iceland processor. kabini - Select the kabini processor. kaveri - Select the kaveri processor. mullins - Select the mullins processor. oland - Select the oland processor. pitcairn - Select the pitcairn processor. polaris10 - Select the polaris10 processor. polaris11 - Select the polaris11 processor. stoney - Select the stoney processor. tahiti - Select the tahiti processor. tonga - Select the tonga processor. verde - Select the verde processor. Available features for this target: 16 -bit-insts - Has i16/f16 instructions. DumpCode - Dump MachineInstrs in the CodeEmitter. a16 - Support gfx10-style A16 for 16 -bit coordinates/gradients/lod/clamp/mip image operands. add-no-carry-insts - Have VALU add/sub instructions without carry out. aperture-regs - Has Memory Aperture Base and Size Registers. atomic-fadd-insts - Has buffer_atomic_add_f32, buffer_atomic_pk_add_f16, global_atomic_add_f32, global_atomic_pk_add_f16 instructions. auto-waitcnt-before-barrier - Hardware automatically inserts waitcnt before barrier. ci-insts - Additional instructions for CI+. code-object-v3 - Generate code object version 3 . cumode - Enable CU wavefront execution mode. dl-insts - Has v_fmac_f32 and v_xnor_b32 instructions. dot1-insts - Has v_dot4_i32_i8 and v_dot8_i32_i4 instructions. dot2-insts - Has v_dot2_f32_f16, v_dot2_i32_i16, v_dot2_u32_u16, v_dot4_u32_u8, v_dot8_u32_u4 instructions. dot3-insts - Has v_dot8c_i32_i4 instruction. dot4-insts - Has v_dot2c_i32_i16 instruction. dot5-insts - Has v_dot2c_f32_f16 instruction. dot6-insts - Has v_dot4c_i32_i8 instruction. dpp - Support DPP ( Data Parallel Primitives ) extension. dpp8 - Support DPP8 ( Data Parallel Primitives ) extension. ds-src2-insts - Has ds_*_src2 instructions. dumpcode - Dump MachineInstrs in the CodeEmitter. enable-ds128 - Use ds_ { read | write } _b128. enable-prt-strict-null - Enable zeroing of result registers for sparse texture fetches. fast-denormal-f32 - Enabling denormals does not cause f32 instructions to run at f64 rates. fast-fmaf - Assuming f32 fma is at least as fast as mul + add. flat-address-space - Support flat address space. flat-for-global - Force to generate flat instruction for global. flat-global-insts - Have global_* flat memory instructions. flat-inst-offsets - Flat instructions have immediate offset addressing mode. flat-scratch-insts - Have scratch_* flat memory instructions. flat-segment-offset-bug - GFX10 bug, inst_offset ignored in flat segment. fma-mix-insts - Has v_fma_mix_f32, v_fma_mixlo_f16, v_fma_mixhi_f16 instructions. fmaf - Enable single precision FMA ( not as fast as mul+add, but fused ) . fp64 - Enable double precision operations. g16 - Support G16 for 16 -bit gradient image operands. gcn3-encoding - Encoding format for VI. get-wave-id-inst - Has s_get_waveid_in_workgroup instruction. gfx10 - GFX10 GPU generation. gfx10-3-insts - Additional instructions for GFX10.3. gfx10-insts - Additional instructions for GFX10+. gfx10_b-encoding - Encoding format GFX10_B. gfx7-gfx8-gfx9-insts - Instructions shared in GFX7, GFX8, GFX9. gfx8-insts - Additional instructions for GFX8+. gfx9 - GFX9 GPU generation. gfx9-insts - Additional instructions for GFX9+. half-rate-64-ops - Most fp64 instructions are half rate instead of quarter. inst-fwd-prefetch-bug - S_INST_PREFETCH instruction causes shader to hang. int-clamp-insts - Support clamp for integer destination. inv-2pi-inline-imm - Has 1 / ( 2 * pi ) as inline immediate. lds-branch-vmem-war-hazard - Switching between LDS and VMEM-tex not waiting VM_VSRC = 0 . lds-misaligned-bug - Some GFX10 bug with misaligned multi-dword LDS access in WGP mode. ldsbankcount16 - The number of LDS banks per compute unit.. ldsbankcount32 - The number of LDS banks per compute unit.. load-store-opt - Enable SI load/store optimizer pass. localmemorysize0 - The size of local memory in bytes. localmemorysize32768 - The size of local memory in bytes. localmemorysize65536 - The size of local memory in bytes. mad-mac-f32-insts - Has v_mad_f32/v_mac_f32/v_madak_f32/v_madmk_f32 instructions. mad-mix-insts - Has v_mad_mix_f32, v_mad_mixlo_f16, v_mad_mixhi_f16 instructions. mai-insts - Has mAI instructions. max-private-element-size-16 - Maximum private access size may be 16 . max-private-element-size-4 - Maximum private access size may be 4 . max-private-element-size-8 - Maximum private access size may be 8 . mfma-inline-literal-bug - MFMA cannot use inline literal as SrcC. mimg-r128 - Support 128 -bit texture resources. movrel - Has v_movrel*_b32 instructions. no-data-dep-hazard - Does not need SW waitstates. no-sdst-cmpx - V_CMPX does not write VCC/SGPR in addition to EXEC. no-sram-ecc-support - Hardware does not support SRAM ECC. no-xnack-support - Hardware does not support XNACK. nsa-encoding - Support NSA encoding for image instructions. nsa-to-vmem-bug - MIMG-NSA followed by VMEM fail if EXEC_LO or EXEC_HI equals zero. offset-3f-bug - Branch offset of 3f hardware bug. pk-fmac-f16-inst - Has v_pk_fmac_f16 instruction. promote-alloca - Enable promote alloca pass. r128-a16 - Support gfx9-style A16 for 16 -bit coordinates/gradients/lod/clamp/mip image operands, where a16 is aliased with r128. register-banking - Has register banking. s-memrealtime - Has s_memrealtime instruction. s-memtime-inst - Has s_memtime instruction. scalar-atomics - Has atomic scalar memory instructions. scalar-flat-scratch-insts - Have s_scratch_* flat memory instructions. scalar-stores - Has store scalar memory instructions. sdwa - Support SDWA ( Sub-DWORD Addressing ) extension. sdwa-mav - Support v_mac_f32/f16 with SDWA ( Sub-DWORD Addressing ) extension. sdwa-omod - Support OMod with SDWA ( Sub-DWORD Addressing ) extension. sdwa-out-mods-vopc - Support clamp for VOPC with SDWA ( Sub-DWORD Addressing ) extension. sdwa-scalar - Support scalar register with SDWA ( Sub-DWORD Addressing ) extension. sdwa-sdst - Support scalar dst for VOPC with SDWA ( Sub-DWORD Addressing ) extension. sea-islands - SEA_ISLANDS GPU generation. sgpr-init-bug - VI SGPR initialization bug requiring a fixed SGPR allocation size. si-scheduler - Enable SI Machine Scheduler. smem-to-vector-write-hazard - s_load_dword followed by v_cmp page faults. southern-islands - SOUTHERN_ISLANDS GPU generation. sram-ecc - Enable SRAM ECC. trap-handler - Trap handler support. trig-reduced-range - Requires use of fract on arguments to trig instructions. unaligned-buffer-access - Support unaligned global loads and stores. unaligned-scratch-access - Support unaligned scratch loads and stores. unpacked-d16-vmem - Has unpacked d16 vmem instructions. unsafe-ds-offset-folding - Force using DS instruction immediate offsets on SI. vcmpx-exec-war-hazard - V_CMPX WAR hazard on EXEC ( V_CMPX issue ONLY ) . vcmpx-permlane-hazard - TODO: describe me. vgpr-index-mode - Has VGPR mode register indexing. vmem-to-scalar-write-hazard - VMEM instruction followed by scalar writing to EXEC mask, M0 or SGPR leads to incorrect execution.. volcanic-islands - VOLCANIC_ISLANDS GPU generation. vop3-literal - Can use one literal in VOP3. vop3p - Has VOP3P packed instructions.